Monday, October 05, 2009

Site Stats 2.0, a Sakai tool

SiteStats 2.0 Released!
Announce of the 2.0 release of SiteStats for Sakai

SiteStats allows authorized users to view site usage statistics related to user visits, tool activity and resource activity. This version is available for Sakai 2.6 and Sakai 2.5.

SiteStats 2.0 is major rewrite of previous version with several optimizations, a new exciting ajax-based UI with powerful reporting options and enhanced tool support. This release incorporates over 70 bugfixes and enhancements! ( (Release notes:


Overview page with summary information presenting most instructor requested information related to site visits, tool activity and resource activity:
  • Simple statistics (e.g., 'Most active user', 'Enrolled users that did not visit site', 'Most opened file', ...) New!
  • Expandable area with compact chart and table view with predefined grouping (e.g., 'By date', 'By user', ...) and filtering (e.g., filtering by user role, date, ...) options New!

Reports page with support for:
  • User-defined reports, per site New!
  • Predefined reports, available on all sites New!

Advanced reporting capabilities:
  • Type of activity to report (visits, tool activity, resource activity)
  • Time period to report
  • Target users to report
  • Results grouping capabilities New!
  • Report presentation: table and/or chart New!
  • Printable
  • Exportable (Excel, CSV or PDF)

Admin tool capabilities:
  • Browse statistics per site
  • Build predefined reports to be available on all sites New!
  • Build admin reports to report against all sites New!

Highly configurable:
  • Use Sakai database or an externally specified database (support for MySQL and Oracle)
  • Aggregate events instantly or on a regular time interval (e.g., once a day)
  • Aggregate events for all sites or only for sites with the SiteStats tool placed
  • And many other configurable options!
  • Support for a large number of tools New! (1)
  • Apache Wicket as rendering engine
  • Automatic event registration for tools implementing Entitybroker Statisticable capability ( New! (2)
  • Import reports from other sites (Site Info -> Import from site) New!
  • Help contents available (English only) New!
  • Available in English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Swedish

(1) Some tools can have limited or no support on Sakai 2.5 (unless SAK-10801 is applied)
(2) Not supported on Sakai 2.5

SiteStats 2.0 release information:

List of features


Installation guide

Configuration options


For more information, please consult the SiteStats official page:

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sakai keeps going on...

On July 2009, Sakai 2.6.0 was released!
Sakai 2.6 addresses over 1500 issues and enhancements, including a number of security and performance enhancements.
  • Features a number of functionality enhancements, internationalization and performance improvements, and support for IBM Websphere and DB2.
  • Binds to a reorganized, repackaged set of low-level "kernel" services that are now released separately.
  • Features a new license, the Educational Community License, version 2.0.
Sakai 2.6.0 Distributions
  • Source, binary and demo versions are available at the Sakai Subversion repository or from the Sakai 2.6.0 website.
Documentation and Overview

Corporate Governance Network (CGN)

Corporate Governance Network (CGN) was announced last may.

It provides a worldwide, online community for research in all areas of corporate governance, following the model of other subject matter networks within SSRN.

CGN will be merging with the Social & Environmental Impact Network (SEIN), and will adopt all of Subject Matter eJournals and Research Paper Series, becoming a comprehensive online resource for research in corporate governance, providing scholars with access to current work in their field and facilitating research and scholarship.

CGN is sponsored by the Investor Responsibility Research Center (IRRC) Institute

View Papers:

This journal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts that deal with all aspects of governance related to economics. The journal welcomes research with a focus on how corporate governance affects economic performance or on using tools and methods from economics to study corporate governance. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the effects of corporate governance on the economic performance and decisions of firms, the effects of corporate governance on the development and success of economies, and the use of economic data and modeling for assessing governance arrangements and problems.

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This journal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts that deal with all aspects of governance related to the field of management, broadly defined and including general management, negotiations, and entrepreneurship. The journal welcomes research with a focus on how management affects and is affected by corporate governance and on using tools and methods from the field of management to study corporate governance. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, how corporate governance affects leadership, management, and entrepreneurship within firms, how corporate governance shapes and is shaped by internal firm processes, and case studies of corporate governance.

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This journal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts that deal with all aspects of governance related to sociology and psychology. The journal welcomes research with a focus on using tools and methods from the fields of sociology and psychology to study corporate governance. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, how corporate governance arrangements are shaped by or shape social norms, psychological inclinations, and cognitive perceptions.


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This journal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts that deal with the different types of actors and players in the field of corporate governance. The journal welcomes research with a focus on using tools and methods from accounting, economics, finance, law, management, sociology, and psychology to study how different types of actors and players affect or are affected by corporate governance arrangements and practitioners. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, studies related to CEOs and other executives, controlling shareholders, boards and directors, shareholders, creditors, employees, and gatekeepers (including lawyers, auditors, financial advisors, rating agencies, shareholder advisers, and the media).

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This journal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts that deal with comparing governance arrangements across two or more different countries. The journal welcomes research with a focus on using tools and methods from accounting, economics, finance, law, management, sociology, and psychology to study how governance arrangements compare across countries and what are the causes and consequences of these differences. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, comparisons of two or a small number of countries, comparisons of a large number of countries, and the methodology of conducting a comparative analysis in the field of corporate governance.


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This journal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts that deal with the economic consequences of corporate governance, as well as with the history, development, and methodology of the field of corporate governance. The journal welcomes research with a focus on corporate governance as a whole or parts of it. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the effects of corporate governance on performance of economies and firms, its effects on development, growth, innovation, and entrepreneurship, intellectual history of corporate governance work, studies of governance in earlier areas, studies of governance methodologies, surveys of corporate governance, and analyses and studies of the corporate governance field.

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This journal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts that deal with internal governance, organization, and processes. The journal welcomes research with a focus on using tools and methods from accounting, economics, finance, law, management, sociology, and psychology to study the internal governance, internal organization, and internal processes of firms. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, board decision-making, trading by insiders and related party transactions, firm scope and buy-or-make decisions, internal firm organization, political contributions and lobbying by firms, choices of internal governance arrangements, including charters, bylaws, and policies, and choices of external regulatory regime, including incorporation and listing decisions.

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This journal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts that deal with corporate social responsibility and social impact. The journal welcomes research with a focus on using tools and methods from accounting, economics, finance, law, management, sociology, and psychology to study the subject. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, corporate citizenship, business practices and ethics, and the effects of corporate governance and corporate actions on the environment, employees and labor, the distribution of wealth, equity and diversity, consumers, health and safety, and politics and the political process.

The Oxford Internet Institute Research Paper Series focuses on multidisciplinary scholarship from faculty members, students, associates, and visiting scholars on the societal implications of the Internet and other information and communication technologies.
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The Rock Center for Corporate Governance Working Paper Series is a source of working papers authored by faculty on the empirical study of corporate governance. Advances in the understanding and practice of corporate governance are most likely to occur in a cross-disciplinary environment where economists, lawyers, financial experts, political scientists, engineers, and practitioners can meet and work together. The Rock Center's goal is to tap this wealth of expertise at Stanford University to advance the practice and study of corporate governance and become an important voice in the debate over governance, both domestically and internationally.
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