Sunday, December 16, 2007
EATIS 2008
EATIS 2008 -
Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems
September 10 – 12, 2008 | Aracaju – Brazil
January 15, 2008. Tutorial and Seminars proposals submission
March 8, 2008. Short and Full Papers submission
New Web Opportunities to increase Digital Citizenship
EATIS 2008 aims, but are not limited to, the production of scientific work around e-Government, e-Health, e-Learning, e-Culture and e-Entertainment (local, regional, national and international), Web Semantic, and Web 2.0 communities, contents and technologies.
Submitted papers hopefully should deal with issues about transversal services and applications such as Convergence Digital, Electronic, Mobile and Ubiquitous Applications. They should be oriented towards community and cultural enhancement, to build knowledge and skills for work, to improve work quality, citizenship participation as well as consumer choice.
In particular, EATIS 2008 encourages the use of Information System (IS) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), allowing citizens a better participation at various levels of government and public services, as well as the ethics component in the use of services and technologies related to IS and ICT.
All accepted papers will be published in the EATIS'2008 ACM-DL Proceedings with ISBN # 978-1-59593-988-3 and will be published at ACM Digital Library (ACM-DL).
Authors of 30% best papers in English will be invited to submit extended papers, which will be further peer-reviewed for potential inclusion in special issues of international journals Journal of Mobile Multimedia (JMM), International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), and Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER).
In the same way, authors of 30% best papers in Portuguese or Spanish will be invited to IEEE Latin America Transactions and IEEE RITA - Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje (Latin-American Learning Technologies Electronic Journal).
FACILITy TO AUTHORS FROM ECONOMICALLY DEVELOPING COUNTRIES – Euro American Association on Telematics and Information Systems offers 10 Invited Papers (free registration) for first authors that residing in economically developing countries. Selection of the Invited Papers will be done according to the score order obtained in the submission process.
Organized by the Computing Department of the Universidade Federal de Sergipe, this conference is promoted by, and endorsed by the International Organization for Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (@WAS).
The conference will be done in technical cooperation with Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), ACM SIG – Special Interest Groups SIGWEB, SIGMOD, SIGAPP, SIGMM, SIGGRAPH, SIGSOFT, SIGMOBILE, and Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).
EATIS 2008 conference is also supported by Universitat de València, Spain; Universidade do Algarve, Portugal; the Faculty of Systems Engineering, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB), Colombia; and Universidad de Talca, Chile.
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
1. Relationship between the Web Architecture and other computational areas
1.1. Software Engineering and Web Information Systems
1.2. Frameworks and software architectures for Web-based systems
1.3. Web-based Artificial Intelligence
1.4. Intelligent Agents
1.5. Knowledge Acquisition and Representation
1.6. Information Retrieval and Filtering
1.7. Data and Text Mining
1.8. Automatic Control Web-based systems
1.9. Metrics Quality Assurance
1.10. Human Computer Interface and Modern User Interfaces
1.11. Usability
1.12. Authentication and/or repudiation Systems
1.13. Web Security
2. Web-based Systems
2.1. (Semantic) Web Services
2.2. Automatic discovery of Web services
2.3. Choreography of Web services technologies
2.4. Proof and Trust on the Semantic Web
2.5. Merging/Aligning/Combining Ontologies
2.6 . Semantic Web applications
2.7. Semantic interoperability
2.8. XML
2.9. Domain mark-up languages (XBRL, HR7, etc.)
2.10. Relational Databases/XML bridges
2.11. Native XML Databases
2.12. Vertical-Domain Applications (ITS, Healthcare, Law, etc.)
2.13. Enterprise Applications Integration (EAI)
3. Distributed Systems
3.1. Middleware Systems for Grids and Cluster
3.2. Semantic Grid
3.3. Software tools for Cluster and Grids
3.4. Grid-based Problem Solving Environments
3.5. Computational and Information Grid Architectures and Systems
3.6. Scientific, Engineering, and Commercial Grid Applications
3.7. Programming Models, Tools, and Environments
3.8. Performance Evaluation and Modeling
3.9. Portal Computing / Science Portals
3.10. Distributed Artificial Intelligence
3.11. Multi-agent systems in information integration
4. Mobile Computing and Applications
4.1. Internet access and applications
4.2. Mobile Multimedia
4.3. Multi-modal architectures and applications
4.4. M-Commerce, M-Learning and M-Entertainment
4.5. Location Bases Services
4.6. Data mining concepts for location based services
4.7. Security and privacy in location based services
4.8. GPS applications
4.9. MMS frameworks and architectures
4.10. In-car and GIS based systems
4.11. Video-conferencing and Tele-presence
4.12. Context aware applications
4.13. Adaptative filters for navigation and tracking
4.14. Security and Quality of Mobile Internet Applications
5. Protocols for Wireless and Mobile Networks
5.1. Protocols for Wireless and Mobile Internet
5.2. Performance evaluation of wireless networks
5.3. Wireless systems simulation
5.4. IPv6
5.5. Design methodologies for wireless systems
5.6. Quality of Service (QoS)
5.7. Security in sensor networks
5.8. Mobility management in next generation networks
6. Web Technologies and Society
6.1. Intellectual Rights
6.2. Web accessibility
6.3. Web Information systems for Disabled
6.4. Web internationalization
6.5. Web information systems for citizens
6.6. e|m-Government, e|m-Learning, e|m-Business, e|m-Entertainment, e|m-*
6.7. Electronic Bank
6.8. Biometrics techniques and privacy
6.9. Internet strategies based on the Internet
6.10. Videoconferencing and Tele-presence
6.11. Preservation of Digital Culture
6.12. Medical Informatics
6.13. Business Intelligence Applications
January 15, 2008. Tutorial and Seminars proposals submission
February 15, 2008. Tutorial and Seminars acceptance notification
March 8, 2008. Short and Full Papers submission deadline
June 8, 2008. Short and Full Papers acceptance notification
July 8, 2008. Camera-Ready Papers and Early Registrations deadline
August 8, 2008. Late Registrations deadline
September 10-12, 2008. Conference Days
For further inquiries please contact:
Conference Website:
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Fluid Project
The link of the Fluid Wiki:
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Cofundos, a Web 2.0 like proposal is about revealing bright ideas regarding the development of open-source software and attracting a critical mass for their realization:
The main idea of is to share innovative (open-source) ideas, to refine them and to mobilize funding for their realization.
All content contributed to Cofundos is truly open, the licenses are Creative Commons and OSI approved open licenses.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Microsoft Surface
It is not an innovative technology, but the fact that is Microsoft that proposes this technology makes us believe that we are entering very soon a world where digital based interaction is escaping computers and come to mobile devices and alternative wearables.
Well done Microsoft!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
CLAD papers and presentations
IT was a great time and a nice opportunity to learn more about a world region where it was my first time.
I was involved in two papers, for each I present the English abstracts. One of the papers was co-authored with my brother.
Outcomes from a digital cities approach for local administration
Joaquim Borges Gouveia, Luis Borges Gouveia
Nowadays, a high number of digital cities inititatives have been deployed in many countries and within a multitude of contexts. Considering the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and a high level vision for their use regarding the territory, the people and activity within a given region, we can consider that such digital cities initiatives have some impact in the way local administration took both its operations and even its governance. As a result, the paper will advance a discussion on the impact that digital cities can have in local administration and how we should benefict from following such perspective to take advantage of ICT. The discussion follows the author experience in the leadership of one of such initiatives and its experience on the Portuguese digital cities programs since the 90’.
Towards a territory oriented perspective for local e-government
Luis Borges Gouveia
The idea of local e-government has been developed and enhanced for the last decade. The quality of approaches and services already provided has also accomplished to fulfill the initial perspectives and intakes new ambitions. One viable direction to improve the quality of local e-government is to relate all available information as part of the territory knowledge and consider it as georeferenced and the most possible real time usable. Such vision, although is not possible at the moment, may be a direction that provides a new level of possibilities and services that this paper discusses.
As a result, the author defends that a vison where we can deal with generated and usable information related to the territory potentiates both its economy and people, as well turns possible to foster the concept of an intelligent territory. Along with the discussion of the concept, a brief introduction to its implications for local e-government is made.
Monday, November 05, 2007
The Fluid project
Goals of the FLUID Project
Our goal is to help improve the user experience of community source web applications including Sakai, uPortal, Kuali Student and Moodle. FLUID will combine both design and technology to create a living library of sharable user interface components that can be reused across community source projects. These components will be built specifically to support flexibility and customization while maintaining a high standard of usability, accessibility, internationalization, and security. The FLUID framework will enable designers and developers to build user interfaces that can more readily accommodate the diverse personal and institutional needs found within community source. We will integrate these rich, client-side UI components and the framework to support them into existing presentation technologies used in Sakai and uPortal.
In order to encourage user-centered design within community source software, FLUID will also create a designer's toolkit that will offer useful design, accessibility, and usability strategies and documentation. This toolkit will include the results of several heuristic analyses and usability studies, a collection of design models such as user profiles and personas, and a growing library of UI design patterns. Members of the FLUID team will be available to provide usability and accessibility support within the Sakai, uPortal, Kuali Student, and Moodle communities.
Who is Involved?
FLUID is a community source project open to everyone. The project is led by University of Toronto with UC Berkeley, University of British Columbia, York University, and Cambridge University. Other partners include Michigan State University, University of Colorado, University of Michigan, Sun Microsystems, the Mozilla Foundation, and IBM. The FLUID Project is funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. New participants are welcome, and we encourage you to visit our website at to learn more about the project and get involved.
How will FLUID help Sakai?
Our goal is to improve the user experience of Sakai and other community source software projects. The FLUID team is already deeply involved in the Sakai community, and will continue to ensure that our priorities and deliverables are closely aligned to the needs of the community. We will contribute all of our design and technical work to the Sakai community under the ECL and Creative Commons licenses. This will include:
* A collection of well-designed, accessible, and reusable UI components
* Integration of the FLUID framework and components into Sakai tools
* New usability and heuristic studies of Sakai
* Ongoing user research and synthesis of usability data in Sakai
* New patterns for the Sakai UI design patterns library
* A library of user research documentation including personas, profiles, scenarios, and other design models for Sakai
* Increased involvement and input from skilled designers, accessibility experts, and UI developers
Friday, November 02, 2007
Some Sakai important papers
1. Final Report to Mellon Foundation - Sakai Project
A report by Joseph Hardin (addressed to the Mellon Foundation) to describe the activities of the Sakai project (2004 - 2005). It provides an historical context to the current Sakai Foundation activity.
2. Interoperability Roadmap (2006)
A roadmap which proposes a number of tasks (without resources or deadlines) that need to be addressed going forward in Sakai.
3. Two Page Overview of Sakai
An overview of Sakai suitable for printing front and back as a handout to introduce folks to Sakai.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
EATIS 2007 Conference Panel section on Virtual Universities
16 May, 2007 - Algarve
Moderator: Luis Borges Gouveia, University Fernando Pessoa
Luis Borges Gouveia, UFP;
Feliz Ribeiro Gouveia, UFP;
Maria do Rosário Almeida (UAberta)
The Virtual University concept is again in the university agenda worldwide. As a result of a growing demand for new curricula and the need to train much more people both in quantity and quality, new strategies must be on place. The use of information and communication technologies, the hidden costs of e-learning, and approaches as blended learning place the open source collaborative learning environments at the centre stage. Among the open source offer, two initiatives are the most promising ones: Sakai and Moodle.
The panel will address a brief introduction to the virtual university issues (Luis Borges Gouveia) and presents the experience gathered from the use of Sakai at UFP (Feliz Ribeiro Gouveia) and Moodle at UAberta (Maria do Rosário Almeida).
Our presentation will focus on the adoption and implementation issues of an elearning platform which is an integral part of the University's strategy, and the basis of the Virtual University project (UFPUV) and the new platform proposal for distance learning (UAberta). In both UFP and UAberta cases, mainly oriented towards blended and distance learning. A time slot is schedule for discussion among all the panel participants.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Doctoral Consortium call for CISTI 2007
Doctoral Consortium
The CISTI Doctoral Consortium provides an excellent opportunity for PhD students to present their work and to benefit from fruitful discussions in a workshop format. The Doctoral Consortium seeks to foster the exchange of new ideas, methods, and applications, and to provide graduate students with a place where they can, informally, present their work, discuss it, and gather feedback.
The Doctoral Consortium is open to current PhD students working in any of main conference areas. Applicants must submit a two-page abstract following the conference guidelines. Graduate students are encouraged to participate and to join the CISTI Doctoral Consortium. Selected applications will be distributed with the conference proceedings. The applications must state the area, school, and the current status of their research and clearly describe the problem or the study area being involved and why is it relevant to the work under development.
Applications must be sent to any of the co-chairs by
The Doctoral Consortium takes place on the morning of
Conference site:
Feliz , Gouveia, UFP, (Full Professor)
Luis Gouveia, UFP, (Associate Professor)
Francisco Restivo, FEUP, (Full Professor)
Oscar Mealha, UA, (Associate Professor)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
UFPUV - one portuguese Sakai flavour
It starts in October 2004 as a Sakai pilot and evolves as the local elearning platform for all the university, running as a production facility since September 2005.
Within these years of experience we support our community with the help of Sakai Collaborative Learning Environment and we have some aknowledgement of our effort.
UFPUV is the new Sakai spotlight at Sakai Foundation website (
The full text can be read at the same site.
You can reach UFPUV and consult its Wiki at
Monday, March 19, 2007
Five years ago...
I remember one of such days, when my first son make three years old. I was far away, as I was in my PhD Viva day at Lancaster University in England.
My son was in Portugal (as all the rest of my family). I found myself in a quite stressfull situation... as your may guess...
Five years ago was a special day as I finished the job: a four year path to enter my academic professional track. Since them, a number of events take place with high intensity. This is so true, that I am amazed how so little time has passed.
Anyway, five years later, the times are so challenging has the times that were already passed - which is nice! (and a good sign)
Saturday, January 27, 2007
A Web quizz for those who love Matrix
My profile gives Morpheus, which may I confess, I like it!
Anyway try it...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wii, iPhone and the last mile for human interaction
As described in Wikipedia, a gadget or gizmo is a device that has a useful specific purpose and function. Gadgets tend to be more unusual or cleverly designed than normal technology.
According to this definition, the gadgets proposed by both Wii and iPhone are important ones.
They provide a new perspective on how users can interact without taking the approach to the usual staff in the usual way.
They can be called innovative as both use some already available technology but within a new context and functionality. More important, they innovate in order to transform well know and usual (for us) day to day activities into new experiences.
Playing video games with a console and making calls can be considered for the developed world as normal activities that each family has already have some level of familiarity and from each, at least, one member can be considered an advanced user, with lots of experience using it.
OK, this may be true for the use of mobile phones, but remember that a high number of games consoles have been on use on developed countries from decades now.
Gesture and direct human interaction has been introduced in those two gadgets and this means that things will not be the same from now on. Both Nintendo and Apple provide two real innovations as they propose new ways of doing old things in a different way.
Nintendo Wii
Apple iPhone